The message from the women of Al-Hasakah to AKP: Resistance will win


Gulîstan Bekîr/JINHA

HESEKÊ - The women in Al-Hasakah city of Syria react against the war concept has been launched by the AKP.

The women who live in Hesekê city of Rojava in Cizîrê Canton react against the AKP's war concept in North Kürdistan. Îlhem Îbrahîm from the Home of Women said, " The AKP is trying to break the Kurdish resistance with the massacre policies, the attacks are especially against the women and the children. The people demand peace but the reponse of this demand is war. They do not want accept the Kurds' status and the HDP's presence in the parliament. Kurds are struggling against the oppression. Kurds have gained many acquisitions but AKP doesn't get over these acquisitions and they are attacking the Kurds. They are massacring the people who demand the peace. We will support the people who want the freedom against the oppression of the State."

The Kurdish people know AKP's real face

Sûreya Hisên states that the attacks are for the Kurds achievements. Sûreya said, " The AKP should not rely upon the blind hopes because the Kurdish resistance will win. The Kurdish people know AKP's real face now and this strengthen the people's resistance and struggle. Tahir Elçi, the Head Diyarbakır Bar association was killed because he had demanded the peace."

The AKP and Turkish State are at the back of the attacks to the Cantons of Şêxmeqsûd and Efrîn

Mîrse Hemo said, " The people resistance will end the the oppression. The AKP does not only attack the Kurds in North Kurdistan, but also the AKP is trying to attack to Rojava. Deash- the AKP are attacking the presence of Kurds. The AKP and Turkish State are at the back of the attacks to the Cantons of Şêxmeqsûd and Efrîn in Halep. Kurds resist all the time and the democracy and democratic autonomy requests will succeed. Our hope is increasing each day."
