Hunger strike of Djibouti women continues
BRUXELLES- Djibouti women, who have launched a hunger strike on April 25, in Brussels Community Center, are entering the tenth days of a hunger strike against impunity from rape and harassment.
Djibouti women have launched a hunger strike against the systematically rape and violence against woman by Djibouti law enforcement officers. The hunger strike has continued on the 10th day in Brussels Community Center. Socialist Women's Union (SKB) members made a statement about the hunger strike and called for solidarity. The statement reads; “The rape against Djibouti women by French and Djibouti must be recognized as war crime.” The women called on everyone to attend the action which will be held on May 7, in Avenue Franklin Rooselvelt 204 1050 Bruxelles at 4:00 p.m.
Djibouti women, who have launched a hunger strike, said, “Yes, we are tired. Our health is adversely affected from the strike, however, our struggle will continue until we get positive result.”