Romani women celebrate Hıdırellez



İSTANBUL/MERSİN - Romani women in Mersin and Istanbul are celebrating Hıdırellez. The activities of Hıdırellez have been celebrated in Ahırkapı/Istanbul. However, this year’s celebration was canceled. Romani women are celebrating the Hıdırellez and they said, “Today is our happiest day”, even if they cannot celebrate it with the old enthusiasm.

Roman people are celebrating Hıdırellez Feast like every year. Hıdırellez is regarded as one of the most important seasonal bayrams is celebrated as the day on which Prophets Hızır and Ilyas met on the earth. Hıdırellez starts on May 5 night and falls on May 6. It is believed that on Hıdırellez Day all kinds or species of the living, plants and trees revive in a new cycle of life, therefore the meat of the lambs grazing on the land which Hızır walks through is assumed as the source of health and happiness. It is believed that all the wishes and prayers come true on the eve and the very day of Hıdırellez. The people leave pots under a rose tree for one night and the following day and make a wish. The people jump over the fire which is built by old belongings or bushes.

The activities of Hıdırellez have been celebrated in Ahırkapı/Istanbul. However, this year’s celebration was canceled. Some municipalities organized activities; however, it is almost impossible to find a Romani citizen in these activities.

“I have participated in the celebration of the Hıdırellez since I was child, because today is our day of fun. We make wishes and make a fire. We jump over the fire. ” said one of Romani women Gülay Boyra. According to Gülay today is the day to forget all problems and inequalities. Gülay wish a happy and health year to all Roman people.

Yeşim Coşkun goes to the celebrations of Hıdırellez in Ahırkapı every year. “Today is my favorite day,” said Yeşim and she continued to talk, “Normally, we gathered in Sultan Ahmet and went to Ahırkapı by dancing. We left pots under a rose tree for one night and the following day and make a wish. We jumped over the fire which is built by old belongings or bushes. My all wish last year came true. I wished health this year.”

Sociologist Sevgi Çeçen from the Mediterranean Roman Associations Federation said how Newroz is important for Kurds, Hıdırellez is important for Romans. Sevgi said, “There are Roman people around the world. Roman people go to island in Spain or France to celebrate the Hıdırellez.”
