Testimony process of detained 75 people continues
AMED- Delegation of 75 people, who headed to Lice in order to "stop" the massacre policies tried to implemented in rural areas of Lice, were detained on June 24. The testimony of detained 75 people hasn't been completed yet.
Diyarbakır Governor's Office has declared ban in many districts of Diyarbakır. The massacre has been carried out in rural areas under the name of "Security Zone". The Democratic Regional Party (DBP) and Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır administrators gathered to go Lice on June 24, in order to "stop" the ongoing nature massacre and possible massacres. They were detained on June 24 while on their way to the rural area of Lice district of Diyarbakır. The testimony of 25 out of 75 people has been taken until now after three days. 25 people were sent to TEM (anti-terror police) after their testimony. The names of people those who are waiting for being taken their testimony are as follow;
Nalan Gözen, Özlem Noyan, Rezan Ay, Arzu Akşahin, Bermal Birtek, Celile Akgül, Dilfikar Döğer, Fikriye Tanrıkulu, Gülçin Bozkuş, Gülistan Kılıç, Hasine Alak, Hasret Akay, Hayat Akyol, Halime Bayram, Kadriye Özcanlı, Afife Kolakan, Abdulah Dengiz, Afif Durğaç, Ahmet İnmez, İzzet Evruk, Kerem Canpolaten, Mazlum İldan, Mehmet Aslan, Mesut Tura, Mustafa Heval Candan.