The first communal governance in GİRÊ SPÎ.



GİRÊ SPÎ - After getting rid of the occupation of Deash, Girê Spî declared its self-government. The first commune was established in Girê Spî.

Girê Spî (one city ofKobanê),was cleaned of Deash gangs on June 15, declared its self-government. The first commune was created under the leadership of TEVDEM. A public meeting was holded in Til Findir a village of Girê Spî in order to creat a commune. Many people from other villages participated to the public meeting. The school where the meeting was holded,was equipped with posters of Abdullah Öcalan(the leader of PKK) and the fighters who lost their lives in the resistance.

Ferîda Osman and Mustefa Derwîş were elected as the first co-chair of the first commune in Girê Spî.

Many committees were established on the basis of the needs of the village such as health, social services, women and defense.
