Police violence target Kudret: We want peace



WAN - Kudret Yorgun was wounded in the leg during a police attack on citizens who protested the execution of 12 HPG members in Edremit. "We call them friends, but they call us 'enemies'. We want peace; they declare war," said Kudret, reacting to the police attack.

12 HDP members were executed on January 10 in the Edremit district of Van. Local people gathered in front of the HDP district office to protest the execution on January 11. Police attacked the crowd and assaulted many people, especially women. Many people were taken into custody in the police attack. Kudret Yorgun (46) was knocked down by a police water cannon and wounded in the leg. Kudret spoke with us the day of attack.

"I fell down when police attacked us with a water cannon. One of the citizens tried to help me, but police told him, 'do not help her.' The citizen told them, 'her leg is broken.' I went home step by step. I have had pain in my leg since then," Kudret told us.

Expressing how sad she is due to the blockades in Silopi, Cizre, Nusaybin and Sur, Kudret said, "No one can agree with such massacres. We call them friends, but they call us 'enemies'. We want peace; they declare war. We really don't know what we can do. I just want peace, not only in Turkey, but all around the world. I don't want other mothers to cry or dead bodies to remain in the streets. I want the 24-hour curfews to be lifted soon."
