Peace Mothers pause hunger strike



ANKARA – A group of Peace Mother activists has temporarily called off their hunger strike at the UN building in Turkey’s capital of Ankara. The women have given the UN until Monday to take immediate action for the wounded residents of the besieged town of Cizre.

A group of 12 members of the Peace Mothers from the cities of Ankara, İzmir and Istanbul traveled to Turkey’s capital of Ankara with the goal of ensuring that the wounded in the besieged town of Cizre immediately receive medical care and that the massacres in Kurdistan be stopped immediately. The Mothers began a hunger strike yesterday with the demand that the UN take immediate action for the wounded.

UN representatives promised the women in meetings this morning that an independent UN delegation and a health team will be sent to Cizre by Monday.

The women announced that they are prepared to resume their hunger strike on Monday if the UN does not fulfill the promise by then.
