A rebellion against exploitation of the female soul: Women's Academy
İSTANBUL - Women's Academy started its operations several days ago. It has created a new expression area for women about violence, labor, exhibiting of women's bodies, film screenings and many other issues. Nurten Karahancı, from the Academy, said, "Women's Academy is a rebellion against the patriarchal system which exploits our life, our body, our soul and our consciousness."
Women's Academy was formed just after the Conference "We rise up against the world" which was held on December 19-20, 2015. Women's Academy has created a new expression area for women. Nurten Karahancı, an activist from Women's Academy, said, "The goal of the Conference is to bring together all women around the world and in Turkey and raise international struggle. Women from Rojava and Palestine also participated in the conference.
"We are young, dynamic, producing and employees women. However, the generation before us, passed their life by conceding many things. So this black destiny needs to be changed. We founded this Women's Academy based on the needs of women in both scientific and academic as well as in life. We wanted to found an academy a women's academy. Thus, women can organize under this umbrella. We founded an area for women to learn and produce by founding Women's Academy. We gather every Saturday in Divriği Culture Association. Women's Academy is a rebellion. Therefore, we aim to contact all women from every culture, every religion and every thought."