Muslim & feminist: Konca Kuriş



ISTANBUL – “The people believe there is a message in the Quran that men are superior. However, there isn’t such verse in the Quran. Men comment the Quran. If women comment it, everything will be different.” said Konca Kuriş. Muslim and feminist Konca Kuriş, who didn’t lose her courage despite threats, was kidnapped and killed by Hezbollah members.

There are thousands of women’s names in the history of revolution, resistance and struggle.Konca Kuriş is one of them. She played her mission in the history of the struggle. Very few people know her name. Her picture is among the photographs carried by Saturday Mothers. Muslim and feminist Konca Kuriş showed that a woman wearing a head scarf can play a part in the struggle of feminism by breaking many perceptions. She advocated that the Quran shouldn’t be interpreted only by men. Her thoughts couldn’t be tolerated by religionist. And Konca was abducted by Hezbollah members in 1998. She was killed after 38 days tortured.

Konca Kuriş was born in Mersin on October 16, 1961. She was Turkmen, Sunni and Yoruk (nomad). She got married just at 16-year-old. She was pressured and become more Islamic in her personal and social life by pressure of society. She had intense discussions with her socialist aunt. Konca met with feminist views through these discussions and she began to question the oppression of women by means of taking Quran literally by saying, “The people believe there is a message in the Quran that men are superior. However, there isn’t such verse in the Quran. Men comment the Quran. If women comment it, everything will be different. Under Islam, a menstruating woman cannot pray, touch the Quran, have sexual intercourse or fast during the month of Ramadan. How could menstrual blood be dirty, Kuris asked, if women fed the fetus in their womb with this blood? Islam does not require women to cover their hair, and does not require the separation of the sexes at funerals or in schools. Women and men can perform the Friday and funeral prayers together. Polygamy isn’t right in our day.”

Even after she received death threats, Kuris did not cease her struggle. Konca continued the struggle of Sara, Rosa, Zilan, Tanya and Asiye. Konca never become a member of Hizbollah contrary to what had been claimed. She became a target for Hizbollah due to her thoughts… Konca was abducted by members of Hizbollah in 1998. She was tortured for 38 days. A videotape, which containing scenes of torture sessions she endured over a period of weeks, was discovered. Konca resisted against the torture for 38 days. Konca was killed in 2011 by torturing like Daesh mentality. Her murderers was released due to prescription.
