YJA-STAR fighters: We follow commander Mizgin's path


Şengar Biradost/JINHA

KERKUK - The YJA-STAR fighters commenmorated Hozan Mizgin on the 24th anniversary of death. The fighters stated that Mizgin presented a heroical struggle by saying that they'll adopt her legacy of struggle.

Gurbet Aydın (nom de guerre Hozan Mizgin) was a guide for young women by taking part in struggle as a commander and artist. The commander of the YJA-STAR Mizgin died in a clash erupted in the Tatvan district of Bitlis on May 11, 1992. As women are organizing memorial events for Mizgin in all parts of Kurdistan, the YJA-STAR fighthers in Kirkuk talked about their commander Hozan Mizgin.

The YJA-STAR fighter Ruken Nuda stated that they follow Hozan Mizgin's path. She said, "Hozan Mizgin was a brave commander and she pioneered the guerrillas. You cannot talk about her with several sentences. Mizgin lived on Kurdistan Mountains as figher and singer. She pioneered the women's struggle. We have to adopt her legacy as her comrades. We'll keep the soul of our comrate Mizgin alive."

Feraşin Berfin, meanwhile, said, "First, I commenmorate our martyrs of May. The friends those who are new on the struggle follow Mizgin's lead. The friends get inspired with the songs of Mizgin. We need to come a long way when we look at the struggle of Mizgin."

Rojin Amed pointed out the importance of May. She said, "Heval (Friend) Mizgin was the commander of Garzan province and she represented the women in the struggle. Heval Mizgin protected our culture and she did research about our culture. She sacrificed herself for her people. We follow her lead. She reminded us our culture and art."

Another YJA-STAR fighter named Rojin stated that, "There is an uphill war in the North Kurdistan. Commander Mizgin presented a heroical struggle there. Saving culture and art was of vital importance. Thence, she put forward Kurdish culture and art. She has become the pioneer of women."
