LGBT associations: We'll shout the murder is obvious on Pride March



ANKARA - LGBT associations emphasized the common struggle against hatred Orlando massacre. The associations pointed out that the hate speeches in real politics are increasing against LGBT people and LGBT people have become the target of Radical Islamist groups that serve the mentality of the state. The associations' members stated that they will shout "the murder is oblivious" for the attacks in the Trans Pride Week.

ISIS organized an armed attack on gey bar Pulse in Orlando. According to reports, at least 50 people were killed in the massacre. This hatred massacre targeted the LGBT and one person, who tried to attact Los Angeles Pride March, was arrested.

Pink Life LGBTT Solidarity Association (Pembe Hayat LGBTT Dayanışma Derneği) and Hevî LGBT association made evaluations about the hatred Orlando massacre.

President of Pink Life LGBTT Solidarity Association Buse Kılıçkaya evaluated the Trans Pride Week and Orlando massacre. Buse said, "The trans people have taken their place in the streets to tell that they aren't patients and take back our pride seized by fascists since June 1960. We are fighting for a quarter of a century. We share the pain of Orlando massacre. There aren't any power's castles which we want to conquer. We demand a world to live with our pride. Orlando is the same October 10. We should look for a free and equal world without hierarchy. Turkish Republic must provide security not prevent 7th Pride March. While the March against Homophobia and Transphobia, which we wanted to hold on May 22, wasn't allowed, the rthreats are eliminated during the march of the AKP. We can overcome all these blockings with common struggle."

Hevî LGBT, meanwhile, stated that LGBT people have become the target of Radical Islamist groups that serve the mentality of the state and said, "These radical Islamist groups those want to put the LGBT movement in the blood in our geography and around the world, carried out its recent attack in Orlando and caused tens of people death. We will shout "the muder is oblivious" in Trans and LGBT Pride March which will be held in Turkey."

Meanwhile, an organization named "Müslüman Anadolu Gençliği" (Anatolian Muslim Youth) called on people to attack the Trans Pride Week by creating an activity on facebook. As the page was closed due to complaints, Istanbul LGBT people, with their lawyer Eren Keskin, announced that they are going to file a criminal complaint.
