Women burn black burqas against the atrocity of ISIS
MANBIJ - More than 3000 civilians those who have been rescued from ISIS, reached liberated areas in the morning. Women first took off black burqas and burned them against the atrocity of ISIS.
More than 3000 civilians have been rescued in the El Neîmî Neighborhood of Manbij from ISIS by Manbij Military Council. The civilians were taken to Sawana safe area.
The fighters liberated the bridge opened to El Kecli Neighborhood, El Bizar Avenue and El Neîmî Neighborhood yesterday. 3000 civilians, who were used as shields by ISIS, have been rescued by council fighters after violent clashes broke out in El Cezire Avenue. Rescued civilians were taken to liberated areas.
Rescued women first took off black burqas and burned them against the atrocity of ISIS.
Meanwhile, violent clashes and operation continue in Manbij.