Woman stands on her own legs by selling vegetables



WAN - Saliha Yacan has created her own economy by planting vegetables in her garden and selling them on a hand truck.

Saliha Yacan (56) is one of women those who have continued their struggle against male mentality by refusing to be prisoner in home. She has planted vegetables in her garden and sells them by carrying the vegetables with hand truck to TOKİ buildings (the division for state housing) built in 2011 in Van.

Saliha puts lettuce, green onions, parsley and dill in a hand truck and goes to TOKİ buildings from Bostaniçi Neighborhood of Van's İpekyolu district everyday with her daughter in order to form her own economy. She has covered her children's education expenses and contributed the domestic economy. She has set a good example for many women to stand on their own legs.
